Real Growth Comes When You’re Tired of Your Own Shit
When you get to the point, where you can no longer do it. Complain. Explain. You’re just so over having the same conversations. You dread the question at family parties “What do you do for work? Do you like it?” because you don’t want to sound so negative. But you can’t help it at this point. You can’t stand you’re not where you want to be yet in your career. Yet you don’t want any pity. You know it’s all on you. You know it’s all in your control. You understand that you’re the only person who put you in this situation.
And that might be the toughest pill to swallow. Accepting that your life is how it is, because of you. That you are so in control of your own life that nothing else really matters. And that really is the truth. You are in control. You have the world resting in your hands. Your world. If you don’t like something, then change it. It sounds so much more simple than it is. But it truly is that simple. We over complicate this life. And underestimate how powerful we are. How just changing our mind, our thought process, our ideas can change our entire world.
It’s both a blessing and a curse to be so aware. They say the first step to admitting you have a problem is in fact, admitting that you do. And that’s much further then most people can go. But once you are in the stage of acceptance, you allow yourself to be in a state of freedom. You are no longer under this weight, feeling like it’s the world against you. You no longer feel like life is happening to you, not for you. When you can accept where you are and realize you want something better, that’s when it all begins.
When you start to hate your daily routine. You wake up already annoyed with what the day has to bring. That’s when you know. That’s when you’re beginning to feel it. The growth. The real growth comes, when you are tired of your own shit. And that, my friend is when this chapter closes, and the rest of your life begins.